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P2781 Pamphlets

Eucharistic Adoration Pamphlets – Spanish #P2781

Item#: P2781
Price: 4.95
Spanish Eucharistic Adoration Pamphlets

The call of Eucharistic adoration is, among other things, a call to present ourselves to the Real Presence of Jesus Christ. But what are we supposed to do at Eucharistic adoration? How do we do this right? How do we make this prayer count?

The key is to let him see us as we are. As we work to let ourselves be present to the Lord at Eucharistic adoration, this pamphlet presents moments in the Gospels in which Jesus looked on others. The Gospel passages and accompanying reflections included in this pamphlet can be used to focus your mind, attune your heart, and shape your imagination during your time at Eucharistic adoration. The Lord who looked on each of these people in these particular ways is the same Lord who looks on you in the Blessed Sacrament.

For a non-reproducible PDF of this pamphlet, click here. The PDF is meant for review only and should not be reproduced in any form.

Also available in English.