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Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Binder and Cards

Item#: 978-1-59471-000-1
Price: 84.95

Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Binder and Cards

Funeral Rite Cards and Binder (contains 169 cards).
Now with the approved texts from the Roman Missal, Third Edition, this easy-to-use set brings together all of the prayers, scripture readings, and blessings a priest needs for celebrating the funeral Mass. Over 100 cards are now updated to align with the new missal. Includes the November 2011 revisions from the 3rd Roman Missal.
Features include:

Each card marked in bold with the corresponding number in Through Death to Life
Nine sample sets of General Intercessions as in Through Death to Life
Special text in the case of cremation
All texts for the Rite of Committal
3-ring ceremonial pocketed binder; padded, gold-embossed cover with ribbons
The Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Complete Set is an ideal ordination, anniversary, or all-occasion gift for any priest.

Trim size: 8 x 10 inches
The complete set includes the following items, which are also sold separately:

The Funeral Mass and Rite of Committal Ritual Cards
Ceremonial Binder