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Lord Have Mercy Book

Lord Have Mercy Book #BLHM

Item#: BLHM
Price: 67.95
Lord, Have Mercy: Prayer Intentions for Your Faith Community / Señor, ten piedad: Intenciones para la oración de tu comunidad de fe

#9781568548012 | Hardcover | 9 x 12 | 160 pages| Language: Bilingual: English & Spanish.
Lord, Have Mercy provides your faith community with a dignified space for recording prayer petitions throughout the year. Each page is inscribed with a comforting biblical quotation in English and Spanish and also provides lines on which the faithful can neatly write their prayers. The beautifully designed leather-like cover makes this a wonderful compliment to your worship space, vestibule, or other prayer space.
The concealed wire-o binding allows the pages to lay flat on the vestibule. 
When the book is open, there is an English quote at the top left and lines to write names as shown in picture #3.
When the book is open, there is a Spanish quote at the bottom right and lines to write names as shown in picture #4.

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