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Religious Pamphlets

8 Ways to Live a Merciful Life Pamphlets – Spanish #P1625, 10 per pack

Item#: P1625
Price: 4.95
Spanish Religious Pamphlets

God is so merciful toward us. We too should learn to be merciful…”– Pope Francis
Pope Francis has awakened the world to the need for mercy, and urges each of us to “travel this path of mercy.” But what is mercy exactly? How does Jesus model mercy? What are the works of mercy? And most important, how and why can I become more merciful myself? Now, Spanish-speaking Catholics can learn eight very practical ways to become more merciful — things like avoiding gossip, refusing to retaliate when offended, accepting mercy from others — each including a simple reflection question to ponder. As we become more merciful, we begin to respond to people in need, and we ourselves are blessed, as Jesus said “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” (Mt. 5:7)
10 pamphlets per pack, also available in English #P1624.

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